Ashley Montague Lancer Books 74-824, New York New York 1964 Paperback, 75¢ originally The MacMillan Co., Hardback @ $3.95, in 1952. 182 pages + bib. and index.
The author, in his foreword, frankly admits to its chief weakness that he wrote without more than the most casual acquaintance with other books on the sub- ject. Coupled with fact that it has not been up-dated for the present edition, this "independent contribution" (his phrase) is robbed of some of the scientific stature it would otherwise have. In spite of these faults, TRANS- VESTIA readers will find much that is new to most and fascinating to all in these pages. Some account is taken of the femininity latent in all men, and vice versa, though in general the approach is as if the sexes were entirely distinct with only minor variations within each.
The superiority of women is measured and demon- strated on a number of points; better health, longer life, greater emotional stability, higher sensitivity to others' needs are all well shown. Equal intelligence is easily. shown, but only a weak case for equal creativity is made. The reasons why this biologically superior group has second-class status are reviewed in detail.
A few quotes will illustrate; "The male (is a sort of crippled female, a creature who by having only one X-chromosome is less well equipped (p 66),...a boy, in our culture, becomes much more frustrated than a girl does..(p 77), the more closely a man's sense of beauty approaches the feminine, the less violent and the more harmonious in character he is likely to be, (p 88), it is the function of women to teach men how to be human. (p 131), if to be tough and crude and crass and compe- titive is to be a man, and if to be gentle, tender, kind, considerate and cooperative is to be a sissy, then in the name of all humanity let us have fewer men and more sissies! (p 148). "To which I say "Amen!"
But before we take over, remember that men can run faster and most girls can't whistle!
Sheila 30-B-2